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Buckeye Boys State
House of Representatives
The 84th General Assembly of the Buckeye Boys State Program will commence on June 16, 2021 and conclude on June 19, 2021. Members of the Buckeye Boys State Senate are elected by the citizens of their city. Each city has one member elected to the Senate.
President of the Senate
Aneetej Arora
The President of BBS Senate is elected by all members of the Senate and is responsible for leading the Majority Caucus as it sets the policy agenda for this year's legislative cycle.
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President Pro Tempore
George A. Vlahos
The President Pro Tempore is elected by all of Senate's members and acts as the Senate's temporary President in the absence of its actual President. This is indicated by the term "pro tempore", which means "for the time" in Latin.
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Assistant President Pro Tempore
Nicholas M. Glahn
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Majority Whip
Mac M. Miller
The Majority Whip is elected by all members of the Senate and is responsible for monitoring legislation and securing votes for legislation on the floor.
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Minority Leader
Reagan E. Garvey
The Minority Leader is elected by all members of the Senate to lead the party in the minority and is responsible for the development and implementation of the caucus agenda.
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Assistant Minority Leader
Stephen K. Parker
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Minority Whip
David M. Rossman
The Minority Whip is elected by all members of the Senate and is responsible for monitoring legislation and securing votes for legislation on the floor.
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Assistant Minority Whip
Xiaoyu Kirin
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1st Consideration
2nd Consideration
3rd Consideration
Passed in Senate
Passed both Chambers
Failed (Senate)
Failed (HoR)
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+ How do bills become laws?
Within the Buckeye Boys State, a bill becomes a law after two steps:
  1. Voted in favor by the majority of both Senate and the House of Representatives
  2. Either a) signed into law by the governor, or b) the chambers vote to override the governor's veto
+ How can I read a law?
To view a law, scroll through the below list and search for the desired title or bill number. Click the title, and that law's details will appear below or beside the list.
Title & Approval
Postpone Bill and Fee Due Dates
Law (Governor approval)
The Fruit Fist Act
Law (Governor approval)
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There are no journal entries at this time
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+ What does a committee do?
Committees are an essential part of the legislative process. They monitor on-going governmental operations, identify issues suitable for legislative review, gather and evaluate information, and recommend courses of action to their respective chambers.
Agriculture, Conservation, & Energy
This committee reviews all legislation associated with agriculture, energy, and conservation of state parks and spaces.
Jayden R. Brown
Education, Local Government & Urban Affairs
David M. Rossman
Finance, Appropriation, Ways & Means
The committee is responsible for the preparation of general appropriations and any bill with a significant fiscal impact.
Mac M. Miller
Jobs & Infrastructure
This committee oversees all legislations associated with jobs and infrastructure.
Reagan E. Garvey
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Bishop City
Theodore T. Ollier
Dieringer City
Aneetej Arora
Favreau City
George A. Vlahos
Commerce Twp, MI
Jordan City
Stephen K. Parker
Koppin City
Maximus J. Yost
Chagrin Falls
Merritt City
Xiaoyu Kirin
Peltier City
Nicholas M. Glahn
Schnug City
Jayden R. Brown
New Holland
Schuck City
Reagan E. Garvey
Fort Mitchell
Stockner City
Jacob C. Stiltner
Vaughan City
Mac M. Miller
Washington C.H.
Waite City
David M. Rossman
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The 84th General Assembly of the Buckeye Boys State Program will commence on June 16, 2021 and conclude on June 19, 2021. Members of the Buckeye Boys State House of Representatives are elected by the citizens of their city. Each city has two members elected to the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House
Noah E. Dearing
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Speaker Pro Tempore
Joseph R. Barnett
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Majority Floor Leader
Alexander C. Banks
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Assistant Majority Floor Leader
Jackson A. Julian
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Majority Whip
Donald I. Furniss
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Assistant Majority Whip
Nicholas Foster
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Minority Leader
Gavin K. Sutton
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Assistant Minority Leader
Ridley M. Sabo
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Minority Whip
Richard S. Bower
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Assistant Minority Whip
Justin A. Cederbloom
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1st Consideration
2nd Consideration
3rd Consideration
Passed in House
Passed both Chambers
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+ How do bills become laws?
Within the Buckeye Boys State, a bill becomes a law after two steps:
  1. Voted in favor by the majority of both Senate and the House of Representatives
  2. Either a) signed into law by the governor, or b) the chambers vote to override the governor's veto
+ How can I read a law?
To view a law, scroll through the below list of buttons and search for the one with the desired title. Below and to the right of the title indicates whether that law was signed in by the governor or not. Clicking the button will display the law's details.
Title & Approval
Postpone Bill and Fee Due Dates
Law (Governor approval)
The Fruit Fist Act
Law (Governor approval)
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FIRST DAY Room 0025 in the House of Representatives, Buckeye Boys State Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 8:00 o’clock a.m. The House met today to open the 84th session of the House of Representatives for the Buckeye Boys State General Assembly. SUMMATION OF LEGISLATION IN THE HOUSE H.R. 1: PASSED Concerns selection of House leadership for the 84th session. H.R. 2: PASSED Concerns selection of House Clerk leadership for the 84th session. H.R. 3: PASSED Concerns rules of order in the House for the 84th session. H.B. 1: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns the basics of marijuana legalization. H.B. 2: PASSED 3rd CONSIDERATION, SENT TO SENATE Concerns legalization of marijuana and "Operation Pothole". H.B. 3: TABLED H.B. 4: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns female sports eligibility. H.B. 5: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns financial education requirements in schooling. HOUSE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2021 H.B. 6: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns college sports gambling legality. S.B. 1: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns the legality of sunglasses in B.B.S. OPENING OF THE SESSION Pursuant to the formal opening of the 84th session of the House of Representatives for the Buckeye Boys State General Assembly, the Buckeye Boys State (hereafter referred to as B.B.S.) Counseling Staff informally opened the session for the nomination of House leadership positions. The Counseling Staff opened the floor to nominations and voting for Speaker of the House, Speaker Pro Tempore, Majority Floor Leader, Assistant Majority Floor Leader, Majority Whip, Assistant Majority Whip, Minority Floor Leader, Assistant Minority Floor Leader, Minority Whip, and Assistant Minority Whip. Representatives Dearing, Barnett, Banks, Jackson, Furniss, Foster, Sutton, Waite, Bower, and Cederbloom were chosen for these House leadership roles respectively. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE - MORNING SESSION Acting Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett introduced and read H.R. 1 to the House. Acting Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett opened a vote for H.R. 1. The House voted 24-0 in favor of passing the resolution. Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett introduced and read H.R. 2 to the House. Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett opened a vote for H.R. 2. The House voted 24-0 in favor of passing the resolution. Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett introduced and read H.R. 3 to the House. Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett opened a vote for H.R. 3. The House voted 24-0 in favor of passing the resolution. Speaker Dearing read committee assignments and selected all committee chairs. Speaker Dearing moved to enter the session into a recess to break into committees for drafting bills. The motion was voted on by the House by a voice vote . HOUSE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2021 The House voted in favor of a recess and entered into said recess immediately afterwards. The House reconvened at 10:50 a.m. Speaker Dearing called the assembly to order. Speaker Dearing moved for a recess for additional bill writing and lunch. The House voted in favor of the recess and entered it at 10:55 a.m. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE - AFTERNOON SESSION The House reconvened shortly after 1:00 p.m. Speaker Dearing called the assembly to order at 1:15 p.m., and Recording Clerk Andrews called the roll immediately afterwards. Speaker Dearing introduced the Governor's Federalist Legislative Liaison through a point of personal privilege. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 1, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 1 into second consideration. Representatives Rogers, Jackson, Furniss, and Avery spoke on placement of H.B. 1 in committees. Representative Barnett moved to table H.B. 1, seconded by Representative Buckalew. The House proceeded to table H.B. 1 by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 2, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 2 into second consideration. Representatives Sabo and Barnett spoke on placement of H.B. 2 in committees and the bill's merit. Speaker Dearing moved to end debate and vote on the passage of H.B. 2 into second consideration. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to pass H.B. 2 into second consideration through a voice vote. Speaker Dearing moved to reopen discussion on H.B. 1 upon the suggestions of the B.B.S. Counseling Staff present during proceedings. The House voted to reopen the first consideration of H.B. 1. Speaker Dearing reopened debate and discussion of H.B. 1 to the floor. Representatives Bower, Rogers, and Jackson spoke on placement of H.B. 1 in committees. HOUSE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2021 Speaker Dearing moved to end debate on H.B. 1 and vote on its passage into second consideration. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to pass H.B. 1 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 3, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 3 into second consideration. Representatives Wilson, Sabo, and Cederbloom spoke on placement of H.B. 3 in committees and the merit of the bill. Speaker Dearing moved to table H.B. 3 and was seconded by Representative Barnett. The House proceeded to vote to table H.B. 3 by voice vote, after which division was called. The House subsequently proceeded to table H.B. 3 by roll call, with 15 members in favor of the motion and 9 against. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 4 to the House. Speaker Dearing moved to table H.B. 4 and was seconded by Representative Wilson. The House proceeded to vote against tabling H.B. 4 by voice vote. Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 4 into second consideration. Representative Sabo spoke on placement of H.B. 4 in committees. Speaker Dearing moved to end debate on H.B. 4 and vote on its passage into second consideration. The House proceeded to vote in favor of ending debate and passing H.B. 4 into second consideration. Speaker Dearing moved to enter the session into a recess at 2:00 p.m. to break into committees for drafting bills. The motion was voted on by the House by a voice vote . The House voted in favor of a recess and entered into said recess immediately afterwards. The House reconvened at 2:55 p.m. and Speaker Dearing called the assembly to order at 3:00 p.m. In accordance with the agenda set by the Clerk Staff and the B.B.S. Counseling staff, Speaker Dearing called for committee reports on progress from each committee chair. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 2 for third consideration and Speaker Dearing asked for a description of the bill from its sponsor. Speaker Dearing opened the floor to questions, comments, and amendment proposals concerning H.B. 2. HOUSE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2021 Representative Furniss moved to amend lines 4-6 of H.B. 2 to change the direction of funds generated through the passage of the bill. Representatives Barnett, Hensley, Rogers, Bennett, Jackson, and Bungard spoke on the value of the proposed amendment. Representative Ashcraft moved to end debate and vote on passage of the amendment proposed by Representative Furniss. The House proceeded to vote to end debate and reject the amendment. Representative Ashcraft moved to amend lines 19-20 of H.B. 2 to prevent the commutations of existing drug related incarceration sentences. Speaker Dearing conceded the chair to Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett. Representative Dearing spoke on the merit of Representative Ashcraft's proposed amendment. Speaker Barnett conceded the chair back to Representative Dearing. Representatives Sutton, Furniss, Buckalew, and Jackson spoke on the merit of Representative Ashcraft's proposed amendment. Representative Foster moved to end debate and vote on the passage of Representative Ashcraft's proposed amendment. The vote was taken by roll call through Recording Clerk Andrews, and the amendment did not pass with a vote of 10 in favor of passage and 14 opposed. Representative Foster moved to amend H.B. 2 to change the legal age for marijuana use to be 21 instead of 18. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and value of Representative Foster's proposed amendment. The House proceeded to vote on ending debate and passing Representative Foster's proposed amendment. Representative Jackson moved to amend H.B. 2 by changing the legal age for legal selling of marijuana to 21 from 18. Representative Wilson moved to end debate and vote on the passage of Representative Jackson's proposed amendment. The House proceeded to vote on ending debate and passing Representative Jackson's proposed amendment. Representative Foster moved to end debate and vote on the passage of H.B. 4 to the Senate. The House proceeded to vote on ending debate and passing the document to the Senate for first consideration. The House did vote to end debate and passed the final bill as amended in the House. Speaker Dearing introduced the Governor's Legislative Liaisons through a point of personal privilege. The Liaisons gave a succinct explanation of several immediate gubernatorial and cabinet legislative goals, including a four lane highway bill, a merger of several state departments, and HOUSE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2021 an elimination of any requirements for the rights previously only attained through the helicopter license. In lieu of limited remaining time in session, Speaker Dearing, Reading Clerk Emley, and the members of the House rapidly entered the reading and voting process to move H.B. 5, H.B. 6, and S.B. 1 into second consideration. After the reading and voting processes, H.B. 5, H.B. 6, and S.B. 1 were all sent to second consideration. Representative Avery moved to adjourn the day's session, and the House subsequently voted to adjourn. The first day's session was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Attest: COOPER L. BERTSCHI Journal Clerk of the House, 84th Session
SECOND DAY Room 0025 in the House of Representatives, Buckeye Boys State Thursday, June 17, 2021, 8:00 o’clock a.m. The House met today to continue the 84th session of the House of Representatives for the Buckeye Boys State General Assembly. SUMMATION OF LEGISLATION IN THE HOUSE H.B. 6: SENT TO SENATE Concerns college sports gambling legality. H.B. 7: SENT TO SENATE Concerns income taxation on citizens under 18. H.B. 8: SENT TO SENATE Concerns usage of local dairy farms in schools. H.B. 9: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns veterans' assemblies in schools. H.B. 10: SENT TO SENATE Concerns the lowering of the mandatory age for obtaining a learner's permit. H.B. 11: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns the importance of the Governor's sworn duty to hold a fruit while speaking. H.B. 12: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns 4-lane highways at B.B.S. H.B. 13: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns empowering individual retirement. H.B. 14: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns various topics decided on by its respective committee. H.B. 15: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns college sports gambling legality. H.B. 16: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns pay for NCAA Athletes. H.B. 17: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns internet network improvement. H.B. 19: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns Dolly Parton Day. H.B. 20: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns expansion of voting rights. H.B. 21: KILLED IN 1st CONSIDERATION H.B. 22: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns college sports gambling legality. H.B. 23: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns college sports gambling legality. S.B. 3: TABLED S.B. 4: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns the usage of horse drawn carriages/buggies. S.B. 9: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns veterans' assemblies in schools. S.B. 11: KILLED IN 1st CONSIDERATION J.R. 1: PASSED Concerns congratulations sent towards LSC. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE - MORNING SESSION Speaker Dearing brought the House to order at 8:00 a.m. Representative Furniss led the House in the invocation. Journal Clerk Bertschi read the Journal from the first day in session. Speaker Dearing moved to enter new business and the House voted in favor of setting the agenda to new business by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the first item on the agenda, S.B. 9, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 9 into second consideration. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and placement of S.B. 9. The House moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass S.B. 9 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the second item on the agenda, S.B. 11, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 11 into second consideration. Representative Foster moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and kill S.B. 11 in first consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the third item on the agenda, H.B. 9, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 9 into second consideration. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 9. The House moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 9 into second consideration by a roll call vote of 14 in favor, 10 opposed. Reading Clerk Emley read the fourth item on the agenda, H.B. 7, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 7 into second consideration. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 7. Representative Bower moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 7 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the fifth item on the agenda, S.B. 4, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 4 into second consideration. Representative Sabo moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass S.B. 4 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the sixth item on the agenda, H.B. 8, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 8 into second consideration. Representative Buckalew moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 8 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the seventh item on the agenda, H.B. 10, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 10 into second consideration. Representative Cederbloom moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 10 into second consideration by voice vote. Representative Banks moved to enter the session into a recess to break into committees for drafting bills, and Representative Barnett seconded. The motion was voted on by the House by a voice vote . The House voted in favor of a recess and entered into said recess immediately afterwards. The House reconvened at 10:00 a.m. A Joint session of the General Assembly was called for the introduction of a guest speaker. Speaker Dearing called the Joint session to order at 10:10 a.m. Speaker Dearing adjourned the Joint session at 10:35 a.m. and reopened the House session. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 8, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 8 out of third consideration and into the Senate. Representative Barnett moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 8 out of third consideration and into the Senate by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, S.B. 3, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 3 into second consideration. Representative Barnett moved to table S.B. 3. The House voted to table S.B. 3 by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 14, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 14 into second consideration. Representative Foster moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 14 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 15, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 15 into second consideration. Representative Lee moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 15 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 11, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 11 into second consideration. The House moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 11 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 12, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 12 into second consideration. Representatives Bower and Barnett spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 12. The House moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and kill H.B. 12 in first consideration by a roll call vote of 4 in favor, 18 against. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 13, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 13 into second consideration. Representative Sabo spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 13. Representative Wilson moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 13 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 16, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 16 into second consideration. Representatives Fulkerson, Sabo, Furniss, and Jackson spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 16. Representative Lee moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 16 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 17, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 17 into second consideration. Representatives Sabo, Bower, and Rogers spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 17. Representative Wilson moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 17 into second consideration by a roll call vote of 14 in favor, 10 against. Representative Sabo moved for a recess for additional bill writing and lunch. The House voted in favor of the recess and entered it at 10:55 a.m. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE - AFTERNOON SESSION The House reconvened shortly after 1:10 p.m. Speaker Dearing called the assembly to order at 1:15 p.m., and Recording Clerk Andrews called the roll immediately afterwards. Speaker Dearing introduced the Governor's Legislative Liaisons through a point of personal privilege. Speaker Dearing and the Liaisons welcomed Governor Saxton to the House floor. Governor Saxton addressed several points, including his preferences on a possible compromise between the House and Senate for H.B. 2, the creation of a state holiday on election day, and payment policy from the administration. Representative Furniss asked the Governor about H.B. 4 and sports eligibility. Representative Avery asked the Governor about legislative payroll. Representative Jackson asked the Governor about his views on sports gambling. The Governor concluded his statements and left the chamber. Speaker dearing proceeded to ask the committee chairs for reports on progress in each committee. Representative Avery moved to continue the agenda and address new business, and the House voted to continue the agenda. Reading Clerk Emley read the first item on the agenda, H.B. 20, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 20 into second consideration. Representative Sutton spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 20. Representative Sabo moved to previous question. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to pass H.B. 20 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the second item on the agenda, H.B. 21, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 21 into second consideration. Speaker Dearing conceded the chair to Speaker Pro Tempore Barnett. Representative Dearing spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 21. Speaker Barnett returned the chair to Representative Dearing. Representative Foster moved to previous question. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to kill H.B. 21 by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 18, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 18 into second consideration. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 18. Representative Sabo moved to previous question. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to pass H.B. 18 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 19, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 19 into second consideration. Representatives Sabo and Barnett spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 19. Speaker Dearing called upon the House to move to previous question. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to pass H.B. 19 into second consideration by voice vote. Representative Avery moved to enter into recess for committee meetings and was seconded by Representative Wilson. The House voted to enter into recess and subsequently entered into the recess. The House reconvened at 2:30 p.m., and Speaker Dearing called the House to order directly afterwards. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 6, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 6 out of third consideration and to the Senate. Representative Sabo moved to amend line 6 to change the tax rate, and Representative Foster seconded. Representatives Rogers, Jackson, and Avery spoke on the amendment. Representative Foster moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and killed the amendment. Representative Rogers moved to amend lines 2-3 to clarify wordage. Representative Foster moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and to pass the amendment. Speaker Dearing called upon the House to move to previous question. The House proceeded to end debate and voted to pass H.B. 6 out of third consideration and into the Senate by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 7, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 7 out of third consideration and into the Senate. Representatives Furniss, Sabo, and Rogers spoke on H.B. 7. Representative Hensley moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 7 out of third consideration and into the Senate by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 10, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 10 out of third consideration and to the Senate. Representatives Furniss, Sabo, and Rogers spoke on H.B. 10. Representative Furniss moved to amend line 6 to change learner's permit requirements. Representatives Banks, Jackson, and Bower spoke on the amendment. Representative Braun moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and killed the amendment by a roll call vote of 6 in favor, 16 against. Representative Sabo moved to send H.B. 10 back to committee. The House voted to send H.B. 10 back to committee by a vote of 20 in favor, 4 against. Considering time restraints, the House quickly moved through the reading, discussion, and passage through first consideration of H.B. 23 and H.B. 22 before entering back into a short recess for committee meetings. Speaker Barnett called the session to order at 3:35. Speaker Barnett asked committee chairs for reports on progress during committee meetings. Speaker Barnett had Bill Clerk Johnson speak to the House members briefly on committee logistics through a point of personal privilege. Reading Clerk Emley read H.B. 14, and Speaker Barnett opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 14 into second consideration. Representatives Avery and Furniss spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 14. Representative Fulkerson moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 14 out of third consideration and into the Senate by a roll call vote of 15 in favor, 5 against. Speaker Barnett returned the chair to Representative Dearing, who called a temporary Joint session of the General Assembly. With a limited amount of time left in session, the House worked with the Senate to pass J.R. 1, returned to normal session, read H.B. 10 and passed it through third consideration and into the Senate, opened S.B. 4, and proposed and failed an amendment. Representative Fulkerson moved to adjourn the day's session, and the House subsequently voted to adjourn. The first day's session was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Attest: COOPER L. BERTSCHI Journal Clerk of the House, 84th Session
THIRD DAY Room 0025 in the House of Representatives, Buckeye Boys State Friday, June 18, 2021, 8:00 o’clock a.m. The House met today to continue the 84th session of the House of Representatives for the Buckeye Boys State General Assembly. NOTE TO HOUSE: Journal Clerk was not present for all House proceedings, so Journal may be partially incomplete. SUMMATION OF LEGISLATION IN THE HOUSE H.B. 11: PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Concerns the importance of the Governor's sworn duty to hold a fruit while speaking. H.B. 20: SENT TO SENATE Concerns expansion of voting rights. H.B. 24: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns Earth Day Recognition. H.B. 25: KILLED IN 1st CONSIDERATION Concerns thunderstorm preparations at B.B.S. H.B. 26: KILLED IN 1st CONSIDERATION Concerns the Environmental Protection Agency. H.B. 27: TABLED Concerns a public safety curfew. H.B. 28: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns hydropower on the Ohio River. H.B. 29: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns farmland licensing procedure. H.B. 30: SENT TO SENATE Concerns female sports eligibility. S.B. 2: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns the legality of drag racing. S.B. 6: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns the implementation of LED street lights. S.B. 8: KILLED IN 1st CONSIDERATION Concerns the proposed forest adoption program. S.B. 9: PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Concerns veterans' assemblies in schools. S.B. 24: PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Concerns postponement of utilities bill payment deadlines. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE - MORNING SESSION Speaker Dearing brought the House to order at 8:20 a.m. Speaker Dearing led the House in the invocation. Journal Clerk Bertschi read the Journal from the second day in session. Parliamentarian Cook was introduced by Speaker Dearing to elaborate on proper procedure through a point of personal privilege. Speaker Dearing moved to enter new business. Reading Clerk Emley read the first item on the agenda, H.B. 24, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 24 into second consideration. Representatives Sutton and Braun spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 24. The Speaker moved to vote on passage of H.B. 24 into second consideration. The House voted to pass H.B. 24 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 25, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 25 into second consideration. Representatives Barnett, Furniss, Jackson, and Ashcraft spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 25. The Speaker moved to vote on passage of H.B. 25 into second consideration. The House voted to kill H.B. 25 by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 26, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 26 into second consideration. Representatives Avery, Furniss, Bower, and Sabo spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 26. The Speaker moved to vote on passage of H.B. 26 into second consideration. The House voted to kill H.B. 26 by a roll call vote of 11 in favor, 12 against. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, S.B. 8, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 8 into second consideration. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and placement of S.B. 8. The Speaker moved to vote on passage of S.B. 8 into second consideration. The House voted to kill S.B. 8 by voice vote. Representative Furniss moved to suspend rules and introduce H.B. 4. The House voted to not suspend rules by a roll call vote of 12 in favor, 11 against. Representative Braun moved for a 15 minute recess. The House voted for and entered a 15 minute recess. Speaker Barnett called the House to order and conceded the chair back to Representative Dearing. Speaker Dearing called the Joint session to order. Speaker Dearing opened the floor to a mutual discussion between Representatives and Senators. Speaker Dearing concluded the discussion shortly afterwards. The House Sergeant-at-Arms introduced guest speakers Representatives Thomas Hall and Brigid Kelly to the chamber, and the guests spoke on their experiences in the Ohio House. After the departure of the guest speakers, Speaker Dearing moved to adjourn the Joint Session. The assembly voted to adjourn the session. Reading Clerk Emley read the first item on the agenda, S.B. 6, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 6 into second consideration. Representatives Sutton and Barnett spoke on the merit and placement of S.B. 6. The Speaker moved to vote on passage of S.B. 6 into second consideration. The House voted to pass S.B. 6 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the first item on the agenda, S.B. 2, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 2 into second consideration. Representatives Seedorf and Bower spoke on the merit and placement of S.B. 2. The Speaker moved to vote on passage of S.B. 2 into second consideration. The House voted to pass S.B. 2 into second consideration by voice vote. Representative Barnett moved to recess until 1:15 for committees and lunch. The House voted in favor of the motion and entered into recess. Due to inclement weather, the House reconvened early to discuss several bills before entering recess once again before lunch. During this time, S.B. 9 was passed and sent to final consideration before being sent to Governor Saxton. Also during this time, Journal Clerk Bertschi was not present in the chamber due to his immediate exit of the chamber after recess began and his poor decision to run from Farmer to Hepburn during a downpour. Bertschi was then held at Hepburn until the inclement weather cleared (during which time Bertschi was entirely drenched), at which time Bertschi realized that his unfortunate and untimely trip to Hepburn was actually entirely unnecessary. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE - AFTERNOON SESSION The House reconvened at 1:10 p.m. A Joint session of the General Assembly was called for the introduction of guest speaker Senator Niraj Antani. Speaker Dearing called the Joint session to order at 1:15 p.m. Speaker Dearing adjourned the Joint session at 2:15 p.m. and reopened the House session, and H.B. 24 was briefly discussed while Journal Clerk Bertschi was not present in the chamber. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 11, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 11 out of third consideration and into the Senate. Representatives Yeager, Jackson, Banks, and Cederbloom all moved to amend H.B. 11 and all passed their respective amendments by a House voice vote. Representative Barnett moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 11 out of third consideration and into the Senate by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 20, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 20 out of third consideration and into the Senate. Representative Furniss moved to amend H.B. 20 by adding a Voter ID requirement into the proceedings. The House voted to end debate and pass the amendment. Representative Bower moved to amend H.B. 20. Representative Bower relinquished amendment to H.B. 20. Representative Buckalew moved to amend H.B. 20 to correct unclear wordage. The House voted to end debate and pass the amendment. The House moved to vote on H.B. 20 as a whole. The House voted to pass H.B. 20 through third consideration and into the Senate by voice vote. Speaker Dearing informed the House that he would then shift the agenda to new business. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 27, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 27 into second consideration. Several Representatives spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 27. Representative Fulkerson moved to table H.B. 27. The House voted to table H.B. 27 by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 28, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 28 into second consideration. Representatives Avery and Foster spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 28. Representative Fulkerson moved to table H.B. 28. The House voted not to table H.B. 28 by a roll call vote of 3 in favor, 20 against. The House moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 28 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 29, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 29 into second consideration. Representatives Jackson, Lee, and Foster spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 29. Speaker Dearing moved to end debate. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 29 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, H.B. 30, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of H.B. 30 into second consideration. Representatives Furniss and Foster spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 30. Representative Banks attempted to suspend rules but did not obtain enough votes (6 in favor, 14 against). Representatives Avery, Sutton, and Braun spoke on the merit and placement of H.B. 30. Representative Fulkerson moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and pass H.B. 30 into second consideration by voice vote. Reading Clerk Emley read the next item on the agenda, S.B. 24, and Speaker Dearing opened the floor to debate and discussion for passage of S.B. 24 into second consideration. Representatives Furniss and Foster spoke on the merit and placement of S.B. 24. Representative Hensley attempted to suspend rules and did obtain enough votes. Representatives Avery, Sutton, and Braun spoke on the merit and placement of S.B. 24. Speaker Dearing moved to end debate. The House voted to end debate and pass S.B. 24 out of third consideration and into the Senate by voice vote. At this point, the House proceedings started to enter a conclusion. A committee recess was called for by Representative Sabo, H.B. 30 was introduced for third consideration, intensely debated, and was passed to the Senate on a roll call vote of 15 in favor, 5 opposed. Additionally, the Inspector General shared his words on Governor Saxton's questionable election practices, and the Legislative Liaison present explained several more issues taking place in the House, Senate, and State Government. Representative Bower moved to adjourn the day's session, and the House subsequently voted to adjourn. The third day's session was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Attest: COOPER L. BERTSCHI Journal Clerk of the House, 84th Session
FOURTH DAY Room 0025 in the House of Representatives, Buckeye Boys State Saturday, June 19, 2021, 8:00 o’clock a.m. The House met today to conclude the 84th session of the House of Representatives for the Buckeye Boys State General Assembly. NOTE TO HOUSE: Journal Clerk was not present for all House proceedings, so Journal may be extremely incomplete. SUMMATION OF LEGISLATION IN THE HOUSE H.B. 11: SIGNED BY GOVERNOR Concerns the importance of the Governor's sworn duty to hold a fruit while speaking. S.B. 22: SIGNED BY GOVERNOR Concerns forest adoption program. H.B. 16: SENT TO SENATE Concerns NCAA athlete pay. H.B. 23: SENT TO SENATE Concerns contraceptive distribution. H.B. 31: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns critical race theory. H.B. 34: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns welfare policy. H.B. 35: SENT TO SENATE Concerns vapor product usage. H.B. 37: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns a B.B.S. F.F.A. chapter. H.B. 38: SENT TO SENATE Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. H.B. 39: SENT TO SENATE Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. H.B. 40: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. H.B. 41: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. H.B. 42: TABLED Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. H.B. 43: TABLED Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. H.B. 38: SENT TO SENATE Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. S.B. 3: PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. S.B. 29: SENT TO 2nd CONSIDERATION Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. S.B. 35: PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Concerns topic decided upon by sponsor. C.R. 1: PASSED Concerns sine die adjournment of the session. REPORT OF GENERAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE (FINAL DAY - SIMPLIFIED) Seeing quorum (13 members), Speaker Dearing called the House to order at 8:20 a.m. Representative Furniss led the House in the invocation. Journal Clerk Bertschi read the Journal from the third day in session. Speaker Dearing moved to enter old business. During the old business, several bills were read by Reading Clerk Emley and brought into discussion by the House. These included the following: S.B. 22, amended by Representative Barnett and sent to the governor for signing; H.B. 16, amended by Representative Cederbloom to add content and passed by the House to be sent to the Senate; H.B. 23, amended by Representative Bungard to add content and passed by the House to be sent to the Senate. Speaker Dearing shifted the agenda to enter new business. During the new business, several bills were read by Reading Clerk Emley and brought into discussion by the House. These included the following: H.B. 31, discussed by several Representatives and passed into 2nd consideration; H.B. 37, discussed by several Representatives and passed into 2nd consideration; H.B. 35, discussed by several Representatives and passed into 2nd consideration; H.B. 34, discussed by several Representatives and passed into 2nd consideration. Representative Bower moved to recess until 9:40 a.m., and the House subsequently voted in favor of this and entered into recess. Speaker Dearing called a Joint Session to order at 9:40 a.m. Speaker Dearing introduced Governor Saxton, along with the Lieutenant Governor, Legislative Liaisons, and the Press Secretary. The House convened with Governor Saxton concerning the specifics of H.B. 11, and amendments to the bill were made as necessary. During this time, Journal Clerk Bertschi left the chamber, and bills H.B. 24, H.B. 37, H.B. 11, H.B. 22, and H.B. 31 were all dealt with by the assembly. After adjournment of the Joint Session, several more items of new and old business were discussed. These included the following: H.B. 35, passed immediately to the Senate; H.B. 38, expedited past 2nd consideration and sent to the Senate; H.B. 39, passed immediately to the Senate; H.B. 41, discussed by several Representatives and passed into 2nd consideration; H.B. 42, tabled; H.B. 43, tabled; H.R. 5, passed; H.B. 44, expedited past 2nd consideration and sent to the Senate; S.B. 3, expedited past 2nd consideration and sent to the Governor for signing. The House moved to recess, and subsequently voted in favor of this and entered into recess. Speaker Dearing called the House to order. The House briefly discussed and passed S.B. 35 and S.B. 29 before a final Joint Session was called. The bill concerning the modified standard for “Operation Pothole” was discussed in the final joint session and sent to the Governor for signing. Reading Clerk Emley read the final item on the agenda, Concurrent Resolution 1. Representative Bower moved to previous question. The House voted to end debate and subsequently voted to pass C.R. 1. The fourth day's session was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. This concludes the 84th General Assembly. Attest: COOPER L. BERTSCHI Journal Clerk of the House, 84th Session
- TOP -
+ What does a committee do?
Committees are an essential part of the legislative process. They monitor on-going governmental operations, identify issues suitable for legislative review, gather and evaluate information, and recommend courses of action to their respective chambers.
Agriculture, Conservation and Energy Committee
This committee reviews all legislation associated with agriculture, energy, and conservation of state parks and spaces.
Richard S. Bower
Education, Local Government, and Urban Affairs Committee
This committee reviews legislation associated with education (k-12, post secondary, and trade), urban affairs and relations, and local government.
Michael B. Wilson
Finance, Appropriations, Ways & Means
This committee reviews all legislation that includes appropriations or has a tax implication.
Jackson A. Julian
Jobs and Infrastructure Committee
This committee oversees all legislations associated with jobs and infrastructure.
Rules & Reference Committee
Members of the house leadership team serve on this committee. The sole purpose of this committee is to assign pieces of legislation to other committees within the chamber.
- TOP -
Bishop City
William M. Seedorf
Ashton R. Henley
Dieringer City
Donald I. Furniss
Gavin K. Sutton
Favreau City
Michael B. Wilson
Maximilian H. Lee
Jordan City
Trenton A. Fulkerson
Noah E. Dearing
Koppin City
Joseph R. Barnett
Richard S. Bower
Merritt City
Bryce S. Bennett
Washington C.H.
Jackson A. Julian
Peltier City
Garrett A. Kick
Christopher M. Avery
Schnug City
Nicholas Foster
Justin A. Cederbloom
Schuck City
Grady W. Yeager
Jude M. Braun
Stockner City
Walter R. Bungard
Colton L. Ashcraft
Vaughan City
Nathan D. Rogers
Alexander C. Banks
Waite City
Ridley M. Sabo
Duke W. Buckalew
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