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Jon H.
Governor of
Buckeye Boys State
The Hovance-Mudrey Administration aims to improve the quality of every buckeye boys stater by pushing for cooperation between federalists and nationalists through the appointing of a bipartisan cabinet. The administration hopes to lessen the harmful effects of polarization and partisanship.
Lt. Governor
Christian G. Mudrey
The Lieutenant Governor is an elected officer, the second ranking officer of the executive branch, and the first officer in line to succeed the Governor.
State Treasurer
Jaxon C. Oehler
The Treasurer of Buckeye Boys State is responsible for collecting and safeguarding taxes and fees, as well as managing state investments.
State Auditor
Grant E. Smialek
As the chief compliance officer of the state, the Auditor makes Buckeye Boys State's government more efficient, effective and transparent. He does this by placing checks and balances on state and local governments, all for the sake of the taxpayers.
Secretary of State
Marcus A. Schwartz
The Secretary of State's official responsibilities include: overseeing elections in the state; registering business entities (corporations, etc.); granting those businesses the authority to work within the state; registering secured transactions; and granting access to public documents.
Gov. Hovance, Lt. Gov. Mudrey and their team are dedicated to leading their state in the right direction.
  • Buckeye Boys State Legionnaire Appreciation Day
    Henceforth, Saturday, June 18th shall be Buckeye Boys State Legionnaire Appreciation Day.
  • Wee Woo Law
    Prior to pulling over a Buckeye Boys Statesman, all State Highway Patrol Troopers must make an audible “wee woo” noise, like that of a police siren.
  • Governor's Goal 1
    To transcend the typical tension and hatred of the two party system through cooperation and communication.
  • Governor's Goal 2
    To listen and sincerely consider the concerns and proposals of Buckeye Boys State citizens.
  • Governor's Goal 3
    To found "NOSA", the New Ohio Space Administration.
  • Governor's Goal 4
    To increase the quality of education for Buckeye Boys State students
  • Governor's Goal 5
    To leave a legacy of greatness for the Buckeye Boys State Class of 2023
Departments & Agencies
Office of Budget & Management
OMB's most prominent function is to produce the Governor's Budget, but OMB also measures the quality of agency programs, policies, and procedures to see if they comply with the governor's policies and coordinates inter-agency policy initiatives. OMB also helps to ensure each department receives appropriate funding.
Trevor D. Patton
Department of Education
This department is responsible for primary and secondary public education in the state. The BBS Board of Education is the governing body of the department and is responsible for overseeing the department.
Department of Health
The Department of Health is responsible for coordinating activities for child and family health services, children with medical handicaps, early intervention services, nutrition services, and community health services; ensure the quality of both public health and health care delivery systems; and evaluates health status, prevents and controls injuries and diseases and promotes good health.
Mitchell G. Mazzone
Environmental Protection Agency
This department of the Buckeye Boys State government is responsible for protecting the environment and public health by ensuring compliance with environmental laws.
Giovanni I. Stabile
Higher Education
As Chancellor, he oversees the state’s two-year and four-year colleges and universities and Ohio Technical Centers. In addition, the Chancellor provides policy guidance to the Governor and the Ohio General Assembly and carries out state higher education policy.
William J. Steinbrunner
Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) is a cabinet-level State agency that oversees Ohio’s behavioral health system. The director of OhioMHAS reports directly to the Governor and the OhioMHAS leadership team assists the Director in the day-to-day decision making.
Grant G. Coulson
Industrial Commission
The Ohio Industrial Commission (IC) conducts over 130,000 hearings annually and most of these hearings take place within 45 days of the original claim appeal. What does that mean to you? It means you can expect great customer service as we provide a forum for appealing Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) and self-insured employer decisions. Our mission: Serve injured workers and Oh
Michael S. Hendricks
Ohio Inspector General
Inspector General Investigates corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse within the executive branch of state government. The jurisdiction of the Office of the Ohio Inspector General (IGO) extends to the Governor, his staff members, state agencies, departments, boards, commissions, and any other entities appointed, employed, controlled, directed, or subject to the authority of the Governor. This inclu
Inspector General:
Colin J. Lee
Developmental Services Agency
It is the mission of the Ohio Development Services Agency to help create jobs and build strong communities in Ohio, while ensuring accountability and transparency of taxpayer money exceptional customer service. The Development Services Agency (DSA) was established in September 2012 to provide oversight and coordination of economic development in Ohio. JobsOhio is the private, nonprofit organiz
Craig A. Brown II
Ohio Lottery Commision
The Lottery supports the Governor’s initiative to build strong schools, a great quality of life, and compassion for those who need our help. OUR MISSION: Supporting education by offering entertaining gaming experiences OUR VISION: Investing in Ohio’s students and communities through gaming innovation
Chairman of Commissioners:
Nicholas M. Stanis
Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Mission: Reduce Recidivism Among Those We Touch
Adam M. Perrin
Department of Public Safety
The Ohio Department of Public Safety touches millions of Ohioans with a core mission centered on the principles of safety, service and protection. We strive to fulfill our mission by preserving the safety and well-being of all citizens with the most cost-effective and service-oriented methods available.
Cale D. Everroad
Department of Veterans Services
Provides opportunities and resources for our veteran community through advocacy, collaboration and partnerships. The Ohio Department of Veterans Services (DVS) serves Ohio Veterans by actively identifying, connecting with and advocating for veterans and their families. Ohio is home to more than 848,000 veterans - the sixth largest population of veterans in the United States. DVS coordinates th
Crescenzo K. Scheetz
Department of Insurance
The mission of the Ohio Department of Insurance is to provide consumer protection through education and fair but vigilant regulation while promoting a stable and competitive environment for insurers.
Tochi I. Ibe
Bureau of Workers Compensation
Ohio workers' compensation system helps injured workers and employers cope with workplace injuries. BWC pays medical benefits and lost wages to employees who are injured or contract an occupational disease on the job. The Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) underwrites insurance coverage for work-related injuries and illnesses for public and private sector employers conducting business in Ohio
Jacob L. Linden
Department of Transportation
With the mission to provide safe and easy movement of people and goods from place to place, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) supports the state highway system and promotes transportation initiatives statewide. As a more than $3 billion per year enterprise, ODOT invests the bulk of its resources in system preservation through maintenance, construction, and snow and ice operations.
Harrison H. Freimann
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO)
Ensures that all residential, business, and industrial utility consumers have access to adequate, safe, and reliable utility services at a fair price while facilitating an environment that provides competitive choices. The Public Utilities Commission (PUCO) regulates a wide variety of public utilities including electricity, natural gas, pipelines, heating and cooling, telephone services, waterwor
Dalton H. Skeens
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disability
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency that partners with Ohioans with disabilities to achieve quality employment and independence. We also make determinations on Social Security disability.
Aidan P. Sizemore
Department of Administrative Services
The Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) is committed to providing quality centralized services, specialized support and innovative solutions to State agencies, boards, and commissions as well as local governments and State universities. We have more than 40 program areas serving our Ohio government customers, who in turn directly serve the interests of Ohio citizens. We help procur
Samuel J. Walkenspaw
Department of Developmental Disabilities
Offering support across the lifespan of people with developmental disabilities, the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities oversees a statewide system of supportive services that focus on ensuring health and safety, supporting access to community participation, and increasing opportunities for meaningful employment.
Craig A. Brown II
Adjutant General
The Adjutant General has responsibility for the Ohio Army National Guard, the Ohio Air National Guard, the Ohio Naval Militia and the Ohio Military Reserve.
Adjutant General:
Donald E. Theisen Jr
Department of Taxation
The Ohio Department of Taxation is dedicated to providing quality and responsive service to you, our individual and business taxpayers, our state and local governments, and the tax practitioners in Ohio. Our goal is to help make your every experience with our team and Ohio’s tax system a success.
Connor M. Remsburg
Department of Aging
Serves as the sole state agency to coordinate Older Americans Act programs and services, as well as other services to meet the needs of Ohio’s elders. The Department of Aging is working to position Ohio to be responsive to the growing and changing aging population, through innovation, efficiencies, analysis, and adoption of best practices. Through strategic planning and partnerships, the
Jack J. Rado
Department of Youth Services
The juvenile corrections system for the state of Ohio. One youth, one family, and one community at a time. The Ohio Department of Youth Services (DYS) is statutorily mandated to confine felony offenders, ages 10 to 21, who have been adjudicated and committed by one of Ohio’s 88 county juvenile courts. DYS operates three juvenile correctional facilities, provides parole services
Aaron E. Vessels
Department of Commerce
The Ohio Department of Commerce is the administrative department of the Ohio state government responsible for regulating banks and savings institutions, credit unions, mortgage lenders and consumer finance businesses; securities professionals and products; real estate professionals and cable television; and the building industry; and also collects and holds unclaimed funds. The Division of Liquor
Mitchel Ganzhorn
o protect Ohio citizens by ensuring the safety of the state’s food supply and the health of Ohio’s food animals and plant life, and to create economic opportunities for Ohio’s farmers, food processors and agribusinesses.
Carson R. Sanders
Exposition Committee
The Commission maintains and manages state property reserved for the purpose of conducting at least one Fair annually
Chase R. Kaiser
Day 1
-Governor set up his office along with his staff -Governor and Lt. Governor's staff Governor- Jon Hovance Lt. Governor- Christian Mudrey Chief of Staff- Tim Adams Executive Assistant- Brandon Jones Speech Writer- Logan Hildebracht Press Secretary- Nicholas Stanis General Council- Harrison Cleveland Lt. Governor's Chief of Staff- Tyler Birt Lt Governor's Clerk- Jacob Wood Deputy Chief of Staff- Keith Smith Federalist Liaison- Cole Burnett Nationalist Liaison- JohnPaul Antalek -Governor Hovance swore in the State Highway Patrol Troopers -Governor was interviewed by Reporter Hayden Channels about the election -Governor Hovance was sworn in at Millett Hall -Governor addressed Buckeye Boys State Delegates
Day 2
-Governor held staff meeting -Governor led cabinet meeting where the departments proposed ideas to the executive -Governor was interviewed by Hetuck following the cabinet meeting -Governor approved his proposal -Governor's first bill is passed making Saturday, June 18th Buckeye Boys State Legionnaire Appreciation Day -Governor held a second cabinet meeting, checking in on state agencies' progress -Governor was interviewed by Hetuck with his speech writer on their writing process -Governor approved nine proposals and sent them to legislature -Governor addressed Buckeye Boys State at Millett Hall
Day 3
-Governor held staff meeting -Governor led cabinet meeting where the departments proposed ideas to the executive -Governor revised proposals brought to him by his cabinet -Governor sent approved propositions to legislation -Governor signed several bills, making them laws -Governor declares his first executive order establishing NOSA, the New Ohio Space Administration -Governor met with the Senate and House to promote cooperation between the Legislative and Execute Branches -Governor led nightly meeting at Millett Hall