8:12 AM Bar Association President introduced Justice Patrick F. Fisher. Justice Fisher reflects on his humble beginnings and how his upbringings to the Ohio Supreme Court was not like his peers. Beginning his career Justice Fisher talks about him attending Harvard to study law, which he then became a very well-known and successful attorney. The pivotal moment that Justice Fisher reflects on in his path to the Supreme Court was during the 2004 Presidential Election of George w. Bush (R) vs. John Kerry (D). Justice Fisher mentions a case he took days before the election was concluded which was supposed to be a “30 minute phone call”. Justice Fisher admits to not being as prepared for the case as he should have been, which brought him to a big lesson “preparation, preparation, preparation”. Fisher’s case became a longer case than expected. Justice Fisher eventually lost the case and he explained himself as someone who does not like to lose. Fisher mentions that it was an election based case right before the 2004 presidential election, and the courts wanted to get it out of the way before the results of the 2004 election came in to prevent the election uncertainty that happened in Florida only 4 years before in the 2000 presidential election. Fisher's appeal made it all the way up to the Supreme Court and this is where he gives very specific times about when major decisions came in. Only 6 hours before the election started did the Supreme Court favor Justice Fisher. Finishing up the case and finally getting the win he strived for. Justice Fisher mentioned a very emotional moment for him as he was on his way home to go to sleep, he decided to show up at 6:15 to wait and vote when polls opened at 6:30 this “epiphany” struck him. Justice Fisher confronted his wife and told her that he was going to run for a public service office, Fisher wanted to take a major pay cut for the betterment of the people, which brings to Fisher's last life lesson “The Rule of Law Matters!” To reflect on Justices Fisher's words, to recap he took a major pay cut just to maintain the Rule of Law to seek Justice for his country and keep the ideals of democracy protected.