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HB:1 Floating Minimum Wage Bill

From the Offices of: Legislature/House

Author: Thomas Blaha and Charles Gill Jr.
Date Written: 2023-06-15 14:45:25
Date Published: 2023-06-15 14:50:00

Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: 3rd Consideration

The Floating Minimum Wage Bill which was set into second consideration the previous day and was sent to the Finance, Appropriations, Ways and Means Committee was sent into third consideration at 8:35 AM. Representative Dorris requested to go into recess at 8:40 AM and was seconded by Assistant Minority Floor Leader Tarantine. Congress resumed session at 9:30 AM. Representative Sheets, Wilson, Allen, and Jauchius were called upon to discuss the progress and bills brought up in the 50 minute recess.