From the Offices of: City/Estepp
Author: Oliver Cramer
Date Written: 2023-06-16 09:38:01
Date Published: 2023-06-16 10:25:49
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Signed into Law
SECTION 1: Every citizen and staff member is required to obtain and maintain a valid Buckeye Boys State driver's license. SECTION 2: No person shall operate a vehicle in this state at a speed which requires both feet to lose contact with the ground at any given time during the stride of that vehicle. (also known as "running"). SECTION 3: All vehicles will be driven on the right hand of the highway except when passing and overtaking another vehicle. SECTION 4: All vehicles must signa; an intention to turn or move right or left. No person or vehicle shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of his vehicle without first giving the appropriate signal. a. To signal a right turn, one must extend their right hand to their right side. b. To signal a left turn, one must extend their left hand to their left side. c. To signal a stop, one must extend both their left and right hands above their head. d. To signal an unplanned stop or hazard signals, one must close both their left and right hands above and below their head until they are ready to continue traveling along the highway. SECTION 5: The operator of any vehicle shall stop at all clearly marked stop lines. These lines will be marked by a white tape stripe. After a stop, a vehicle may not be started without due regard for safety of crossing traffic and not before yielding the right-of-way to traffic not required to stop. SECTION 6: A vehicle shall not be stopped on the traveled portion of the highway. Parking is permitted on the berg only. No vehicle travel is permitted on the berm SECTION 7: No person shall operate a vehicle within the state without first engaging all available occupant restraining devices. As used in this section, and occupant restraining device is an adhesive patch promoting the use of safety belts and distributed by the Department of Public Safety and State Highway Patrol SECTION 8: No person shall intentionally collide their vehicle with other pedestrians or vehicles. a. Unintentional collisions must be reported to law enforcement authorities. b. All persons involved in traffic collisions must await the arrival of authorities before continuing their travel. All persons who leave the scene of a collision before they are authorized to by law enforcement will be fined 500 dollars. SECTION 9: Persons who have medical excuses that prohibit them from fulfilling the duties required by this law are henceforth excused from said punishments as determined by the City Council and Mayor. SECTION 10: This ordinance shall take effect at the earliest time permitted by law.