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Ordinance Prohibiting Persons to Gamble

From the Offices of: City/Estepp

Author: Oliver Cramer
Date Written: 2023-06-17 07:59:38
Date Published: 2023-06-17 09:08:16

Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Signed into Law

SECTION 1: Persons under the age of 16 will be prohibited from gambling in all forms. SECTION 2: In order to legally gamble, all persons of legal age must pay a gambling tax of 10% on the buy in. a. The hosting city of the gambling facilities shall take 10% of every mandatory gambling deposit. SECTION 3: The gambling facilities may only be run by 2 or more elected or appointed city officials. The city officials have authority to run games at their discretion. a. Those who fail to comply with the taxes in Section 3. a. are subject to a 2,000 dollar fine and up to 10 minutes in jail time. b. Those officiating the tournaments yield the right to partake in gambling while officiating. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take effect at the earliest time permitted by law.