From the Offices of: City/Estepp
Author: Oliver Cramer
Date Written: 2023-06-17 08:38:48
Date Published: 2023-06-17 09:08:05
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Signed into Law
SECTION 1: All citizens within Estepp City must treat all inside and outside city property with respect. a. The disposal of any solid, liquid, or gas outside designated trash cans or bins is defined as littering. Any citizen caught with littering within Estepp City property will be fined 5000 dollars. SECTION 2: All animals with the exception of Canadian Geese, ants, spiders, flies, or centipedes less than two inches long must be treated with respect. a. Any person on Estepp City property caught maliciously or willingly harming or killing an animal other than those listed in section 2 will be fined 5000 dollars. SECTION 3: Canadian Geese, ants, spiders, flies, and centipedes less than two inches long have open season for hunting during the entire year. a. There is no hunting license required to hunt those animals listed in section 3. b. Any method of hunting is allowed for those animals listed in section 3. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take effect at the earliest time permitted by law.