From the Offices of: Legislature/House
Author: Thomas Blaha and Charles Gill Jr.
Date Written: 2023-06-17 10:47:33
Date Published: 2023-06-17 12:29:05
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Passed in the House
HB1: Floating Minimum Wage bill Representative Gill moves to reinstate lines 15 and 16 of the bill. Representative Shah seconds. Representative Carlson disgarees with the proposed amendment. Representative Sheets moves to end debate. Representative McKenzie seconds The house votes to reinstate lines 15 and 16. Representative Jauchius moves to strike the words “until next adjustment”. Representative Green seconds. Representative Carlson disagrees. Speaker Schutte seeks to end debate. Representative Jachius is moved while representative Sites seconds. The house votes to strike the words “until next adjustment” The house votes to send the bill to the senate.