From the Offices of: Legislature/House
Author: Senators Davis, Cox, Cowie, and Lane
Date Written: 2023-06-17 11:00:28
Date Published: 2023-06-17 12:29:24
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Tabled
SB66: Subsidization of Cleaner Energies Act of 2023 Sponsored by Senators Davis, Cox, Cowie, and Lane Senator Davis joined us to answer some questions about the bill. Representative Jauchius moves to dispense of the reading and Representative Gill seconds. The house voted to dispense of the reading. Representative Carlson gives the chamber some knowledge on the history of the power plants and elaborates on the points Senator Davis made. Representative Wilson suggests an amendment. Representative Staib moves to table the bill. Representative Jauchius seconds. The house voted to table the bill.