From the Offices of: Legislature/House
Author: Daniel Koh and Charles Gill Jr.
Date Written: 2023-06-17 12:37:49
Date Published: 2023-06-17 13:17:59
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Passed in the House
The bill will fund the government through a graduated income tax. The bill had many amendments from committees and the senate. Representative Staib moves to adjust line 5 to line 10. Representative Disbennett Jr. seconds. Representative Bryant moves to end debate. Representative Gill seconds. The house votes to move line 5 to line 10. Representative Bradley motions to change 42% to 22% in line 14. Representative Shah expresses his distaste. Representative Legge moves to end debate. Representative Wilson seconds. The house goes to a roll call vote and decides to not adopt the proposed amendment. Representative Bryant motions to change 42% in line 14 to 35%. Representative Bradley seconds. Representative Carlson states his distaste with the bill. Representative Koh moves to end debate. It is seconded. The house voted against the amendment. Representative Legge motions to table the bill. Representative Kennedy seconds. The house votes against tabling the bill. The house continued discussing the bill after lunch. Representative Shah moves to change line 13 from $500,000 to $500,000. Representative Folker seconds. Representative Koh moves to end debate. Representative Site seconds. The house agreed to the proposed amendment. Representative Gill moves to end debate. Representative Person seconds. The house agrees with the bill and sends it to the senate.