From the Offices of: Legislature/House
Author: Billington, Curnutte, Forman, and Osborne
Date Written: 2023-06-17 13:02:02
Date Published: 2023-06-17 13:24:03
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: 2nd Consideration
SB8: Welfare Bill Sponsored by Senators Billington, Curnutte, Forman, Osborne, and Washington The bill will enact section 51699.01 and 51699.02 to protect the welfare benefits of those in need while limiting access to those hoping to illegitimately gain from the system. Representative Bradley made a point of interest to ask what the benefits are. Representative Shah suggests the bill goes to the Urban Committee. Representative Staib suggests the bill goes to the Jobs and Infrastructure. The bill was sent into second consideration.