From the Offices of: Legislature/House
Author: Representatives Blaha and Schutte
Date Written: 2023-06-17 13:54:41
Date Published: 2023-06-17 15:29:11
Legislation Type: Bill
Legislation Status: Passed in the House
HB33: Anti Recession 2023 sponsored by Representatives Blaha and Schutte The bill will maintain economic security in times of recession. Representative Tarantine and Legge ask for more clarification on the bill. Representative Blaha elaborates. Representative Tarantine asks for an amendment of some sort. Representative Bradley motions for an amendment. Representative Blaha seconds. Speaker Dorris ends debate on the proposed amendment. The house votes to approve the amendment. Representative Tarantine moves to table the bill. Representative Gephart seconds. The house voted to not table the bill. Representative Carlson made an amendment with Representative Shah seconds. Representative Koh moves to end debate. Representative Bradley seconds. Representative Carlson's amendment was accepted. Representative Koh moves to end debate. Representative Ford seconds. The bill was voted on to move past the house and into the senate.