From the Offices of: County/Wagonseller
Author: Commissioner Clerk
Date Written: 2023-06-14 15:19:36
Date Published: 2023-06-15 08:36:50
Legislation Type: Resolution
Legislation Status: 1st Consideration
Budget Proposals ( calibrated with inflation percent 5%)--- Total Budget- 2.4 Million Insurance and pensions- $305,138 ( benefits went down 10,000), Prosecuting Attorney- $284,498 ( 5,000 on top of pay), Treasurer- $100,396, Clerk of Courts- $181,420, recorder- $84,864, Commissioners- $333,576, Court of Appeals- $1,785, Sheriff- $273,447.91, Other Financials $210, Miscellaneous - $7235.65, Auditor- $185,399, Contingencies-$157,500, Engineer- $41,340.33, Common Pleas court - $106,520, Municipal Court- $176,200.