From the Offices of: City/Wiehe
Author: Ethan Hoin (Clerk of Mayor)
Date Written: 2023-06-15 08:48:28
Date Published: 2023-06-15 09:12:40
Good evening Wiehe City, as of today we have started our legal jobs in elected and appointed positions here at Buckeye Boys State. Today's Agenda at the city council meeting went as follows: - [1:15 p.m.] Proposed a new phone policy ordinance (failed) With that, the agenda of today's city council meeting. Apologies for a lackluster update, today was spent brainstorming potential ordnance and getting into the swing of things here at the office. Tomorrow's events are planned to resume first thing in the morning with an updated phone policy proposal. Thank you all for your patience and have a wonderful night. In Wiehe we trust.