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Department of the Adjutant General- Day One

From the Offices of: State/Governor

Author: Department of the Adjutant General
Date Written: 2023-06-16 08:46:24
Date Published: 2023-06-16 09:06:33

Today in the Adjutant General's Office we as a team assigned multiple jobs and responsibilities to our fellow coworkers. We discussed plans for the day while also looking ahead into the work week in order to prepare for the tasks to come. While making our way through the workday we collaborated with the other state departments regarding funds available to the Adjutant General; these funds went into calculating the office's budget. As the day went on, we successfully signed a total of 20 new national guard soldiers on our first day of open recruitment. As a state department, we were able to transform our designated office into a functional and efficient workspace to use for the rest of the week