From the Offices of: State/Governor
Author: Department of Aging
Date Written: 2023-06-17 08:33:24
Date Published: 2023-06-17 08:36:04
The work day started at 8:15. We got situated in the morning by brainstorming ideas and reading over the projects we needed to get done. We met with two guests from the Ohio Government Department of Aging and had a conversation about the needs of our department. We got a basic knowledge and details of how some of their current projects work. They helped us figure out ways to get started and came up with some of their own ideas and pitched them to us. They gave us website to resource and ways to figure out what we could use for our department. After the meeting we went around to departments we wanted to collaborate with. We pitched our ideas and came to some terms with starting new legislation. We made our dorm more like and office and made it more welcoming for people to come in and talk to us. We talked over the things we needed to get done for Thursday and ended the work day around 3:15.